Products & Services

Taproot community Virtual Co-working

2 hours of focused, inspired, supported creative work in the comfort of your own studio.

At 9:00 am est we begin. I will lead a meditation to get you focused and centered. We will all set intentions for our individual work and then get off the call to do our practice. And we will end with coming back and hearing how it went. 

At 11:00 am est on every First Tuesday, there will be a virtual community tea- feel free to stay on line for that as well!






75.00 USD
Trial for 1 weeks
every 30 days until canceled

Taproot community Virtual Co-working

2 hours of focused, inspired, supported creative work in the comfort of your own studio.

At 9:00 am est we begin. I will lead a meditation to get you focused and centered. We will all set intentions for our individual work and then get off the call to do our practice. And we will end with coming back and hearing how it went. 

At 11:00 am est on every First Tuesday, there will be a virtual community tea- feel free to stay on line for that as well!






0.00 USD
I offer this free of charge, but donations are a really great help in keeping it going!

Additional 1-time Session with Val

If you have already had an intro session and you would like to schedule just one session- this is the place!

For current clients who already pay a monthly fee. This is an additional session paid separately. $200 is the standard fee, but I am offering other options if you need them. 

200.00 USD

Additional 1-time Session with Val

If you have already had an intro session and you would like to schedule just one session- this is the place!

For current clients who already pay a monthly fee. This is an additional session paid separately. $200 is the standard fee, but I am offering other options if you need them. 

150.00 USD

Additional 1-time Session with Val

If you have already had an intro session and you would like to schedule just one session- this is the place!

For current clients who already pay a monthly fee. This is an additional session paid separately. $200 is the standard fee, but I am offering other options if you need them. 

100.00 USD

Weight Loss With Love inner circle

This is a small group designed to help you lose weight, feel better in your body, and get it shape so you can do what you want to do with ease and pleasure.

The group meets on Zoom on Wednesdays from 9-10 am est most weeks.

If you would like additional individual coaching, please sign up for a intro session


45.00 USD
every 30 days until canceled